Unit configurations now can be applied to all subunits
A new type of unit configurations, Unit configuration with inheritance for subunits, has been added. These unit configurations will apply not only to the users directly in the unit, but also to the users in all subunits and sub-subunits down the hierarchy. Unit configurations applied only to the unit itself (bypassing the subunits or sub-subunits) are now known as Unit configurations (no inheritance).
To apply a unit configuration to all subunits, you must save this unit configuration as Unit configuration, with inheritance for subunits in WorkZone Client, and enable the new Configuration inheritance setting in WorkZone Configurator (Configurator > Feature settings > Client > Configuration inheritance. This setting is disabled by default).
- All existing unit configurations of WorkZone Client have automatically been saved as Unit configurations (no inheritance). Change them to Unit configuration, with inheritance for subunits, if needed.
- If more than one unit configuration applies to the same user, for example, a configuration of a unit, a subunit, and a sub-subunit, the configuration settings of the lowest hierarchy level will take precedence. That is, in case of conflicts between settings of a unit, a subunit, and a sub-subunit configurations, the sub-subunit configuration settings will have the highest priority, and unit configuration settings will have the lowest priority).
See Configuration types and priorities and How configurations merge for more information.
Customize the text field's height on detail pages
In configuration mode, you can now define the text field's height (in rows) for configurable text fields on the case, document, and contact detail pages. See Configure a detail page .